Explore! how Grin DMS

Helps you manage your workforce

Order Management

This system manages the Past & Present orders. It allows the reseller to add, modify & cancel with the distributor being in the loop. This feature connects the systems utilized by various parties involved in processing the orders.

Add New Resellers

The distributor would be able to view the reseller activity and can able to add new resellers, smartly study customer demand and grant them the support they require.

Scheme Management

This feature allows the Head office to float schemes. The Distributors would receive and customize it for the Sales team & Resellers depending upon their performances.

Control Price & Margin

Enjoy higher margin by having multiple price levels and discounts for specific customers, customer groups, product categories and do multi format, as well as multi company invoicing with ease.

Reports and BI Dashboard

Head office will receive overall as well as detailed reports. The distributor will be allowed to view the Sales Team and connected resellers. This feature helps in detailed analysis and introducing corrective steps on real time basis.

Performance Tracker

Receive performance reports of SKUs, resellers, distributors, and sales team to make real-time analysis and take corrective actions immediately.